On Paying It Forwards, and Backwards and Every which way
Some of my very closest author friends are bringing out
their debut books this year. I also have many other author friends who have
done the same thing over the last couple of years. Hey, I brought out my first
book only last year. (Honest. I’m still a newby…)
One of the things I see – and did, to a certain extent – is
promotion being left until the book comes out. It’s as if there is a belief
that, until a product actually exists, promotion isn’t worthwhile.
I think this is very far from the truth (I think the
argument applies to marketing, to an extent, but not to promotion.) The truth
is that the day your book hits kindle, you want to have a lot of promotion
already in place. You have a very small window to impress the Amazon
My next book comes out in October. I have a list of promo
activities in place, including two conventions (lucky timing, to be honest, but
if it hadn’t been I’d gone off and tried to find somewhere at the right time),
three interviews (all of which I’ve asked to put into October instead of now –
I’ll tick over, annoying you all, in the blog and in existing bits and pieces,
including a nice little interview coming soon), two guest blogs and no doubt a
few other goodies – including a launch. I didn’t, in the end, go for one with
Sunset, a bit worried I’d be launching to an empty room, but I will with Legacy
and celebrate the end of the Abendau books properly (so, please, a couple of
people turn up.)
‘But that’s you!’ I hear my shyer writing friends say. You
talk all the time. You have something to say, and books to talk about and we
don’t yet. I do sympathise: it is easier to fill interview requests when you
have material to pull on. But I don’t think it’s a get-out-of-jail card.
Here are some of the things I think are worth looking at before the book gets launched (Bryan –
this is your WWJD. Take notes!)
- Get some work out there. Don’t worry about pay –although that’s nice. People will be more inclined to take a chance on you if they know your writing is good. Pop a few short stories on a blog and promote it on your facebook or twitter, or whatever (see point 2). Get some followers. Release a 5000 word story in five parts and get five hits. Get it published on a site and use the double hit of their promo and yours. Make it stretch.
- Get on social media. Somewhere, anywhere, people can find you. A facebook author page or a twitter account are useful for the end of interviews – keep up to date with me on @joz1812, just for example (go, follow me! I don’t actually tweet oodles and oodles so I won’t flood you, but I do put all my blog posts up and updates.)
- If you’re offered something, take it. Goodwill goes a long way- but only if you use it. If you have an interview given to you to fill in (Sue, I’m looking at you…) fill it in. Don’t let it sit in your inbox, giving you the evil eye and making you afraid of it – just go for it. Believe me, they get easier the more you do. Start with paper ones and then move up to ones you have to talk in – and then start with recorded ones, not live. By the time you’re on live anywhere you’ll have killed a lot of your fear.
- Communities. It is too late to join a forum when your book is out – you’ll always be an author potentially promoting your book, with all the attendant suspicion that brings. Get on forums and facebook groups before your book comes out. Get to know the forum and the tastes and you’ll know whether or not to promote your book. (One of my fav facebook groups is a Grimdark forum I joined to promote my book. Turns out my books aren’t a great fit for the readers, but I like the forum and still hang out there. And, what do you know – there’s been an awesome podcast derived from contacts there, and a couple of reviews. Plus, most important of all, a couple of new mates.)
- Blurbs. Look, this is hard and toe-curling, and I’ve done it three times now. (Now my publisher does it for me, and that’s lovely. But if I self publish again, I’ll have to do it again.)
Mostly, the conversation goes
like this. Me, shuffle, shuffle, ‘would you give me a cover blurb? Please.’ Run
away and hide and await (warm gracious, in my experience) response.
I’ve been asked to do blurbs a
couple of times now, so I’ve been at the receiving end of the request and I can
say, hand on heart, it’s fine to ask. Writers understand. They might not always
say yes – they might not have the time, or they might just not do blurbs – but
they’ll never mind you asking. So if you don’t have a blurb, go and ask. They
do make a difference.
- Pay it forwards. I can’t emphasise this enough. You think you’re pushed for time now, editing and preparing? You’re not. Once the book is out, you’ll find yourself inundated, whilst also trying to write the next one. Which is when you’ll realise that you need reviews and goodwill and promotion and you don’t have time to promote back.
The thing is,
it’s easy to look at writers a little up the ladder from us and think
they’re doing
okay and don’t need any help (I grant you, I doubt Mr King
needs me
ra-ra-ing anymore). They do. They need reviews. They need people
to turn up at
their events. They need support for launches, and openings for
(because, sometimes, after the novelty of the first book dies down,
promo options
die out.) Help them, not because they might give you a leg up,
or because you
want them to retweet your promo tweet, but because paying
it forwards is
always a good thing to do. Call it karma, if you like. Call it your
generous act
for the day. Call it whatever – I call it community and friendship,
and what makes
the writing world go round.
But don’t call it promotion.
Writers are not good to promote to. Really, if you want to find someone who has
too many books to read – ask a writer. I have, at this point, something like 10
free books on my kindle from other writers. Some are exchanges because we liked
the sound of each other’s books, some are just out and ARCS (advance review
copies) which, if I like, I’ll try to review. Some are just freebies that
people have put out to get downloads of. This, in addition to a TBR pile of
books I’m dying to get to that occasionally grows into a lifeform.
There are loads of other things
you could think of doing – blogs, building a website, etc etc, and I don’t
think it matters too much what you do choose. But I think it’s vital to start
doing something. Now, not on the day of release.