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Mailing lists - and why you might want one.

I’m not techy. Like, I’m really, really not techy. I use a very old computer on Windows Vista, can’t get on with Schrivener at all and whimper to the ever-patient Gary Compton when things like my website don’t work.

For that reason, I’ve steered clear of a mailing list until now. Because it’s, like, hard. But I’ve bitten the bullet and started one properly.

What will I put on it? Well, not things like go into this blog – it’s a different place for different musings. It's not the place to be putting up promo posts and what not – that’s never been what I’ve tried to do.

The newsletter will work alongside the blog. I’ll be putting things in like launch events, and announcements. I’m working on completing some short stories which will go up from time to time and will be exclusive to subscribers. Early notifications and offers on my books will pop up.

The why is easy. I, like most writers, have platforms all over the place. I have twitter followers and facebook friends, blog readers and book readers. I’m on Goodreads, on forums, in facebook groups. I am, honestly, all over the place.

Which means when I release books I put up a post here, and a post there, and mention it in lots of places – and still those who like my writing might not see it. Since I have a lot coming out in the next few months (sticks out tongue and counts on fingers, I'm also not maths-y – I think I have five releases in various shapes and forms coming up) it makes sense to have a single platform where I can pop the news up.

(The news element will also appear in my normal platforms – what won’t will be the exclusive content.)

I also like the idea of giving back – that’s always been what this blog, for instance, is about – so having a platform where I can write something I like and give it out appeals.

If anyone wants to join up, the link is here:

The first 15 new subscribers bag themselves a free ebook of Inish Carraig!  
