My real-life work office is closed and everything up to date! Hooray. I'll get up to page 100 of my edits this afternoon and then close down for the weekend. Tomorrow, I shall bake a cake and then, that evening, I will be heading out to Titancon where I'm reading one of my short stories. (A fun little dark one, I hope. I mean, I know it's what I'm reading and I'm hoping it's fun....) This odd duology is the norm for most writers. During the week all but the lucky few who write for a living skulk at work, putting in the hours and commitment needed to maintain their jobs. For me, that's a small consultancy which takes up a good bit of my time. Then, come the afternoon, or evening, or weekends - whenever we fit it in - we take on our different life as a writer. For most breaking-through writers I know, this is very much akin to having two jobs. Writing is time consuming enough, but promoting it brings up another connundrum. I'm also aware that many writ...