Some of the most welcome feedback I've had on Abendau's Heir is that people like how much detail I go into about my characters. That was really good to hear because it was something I worried about when I was writing Abendau - that my minutiae of the people I wrote about wouldn't be as engaging to others as me. Having had that feedback, I thought I'd share one of the tools I find really useful for character writing and, particularly, character interactions. It's called the Johari window, and it sounds all mystical and new age-y. It's actually not - it's named after the two designers of the model and is pragmatic and easy to apply. It's used a lot in coaching, counselling and anywhere empathy of another person is needed. The model shows four key windows of interaction and concerns itself about own and shared knowledge of the person: Arena - known to self and others Blind spot - not known to self but is to others Facade - known to self, but not t...